Simply Just Dying For Sweets!
The snow is deep outside, my livingroom is chilly, but my fireplace is warm and so is the pile of pilows and laptop in my lap! I have a crazy desire to eat something that is purely sugar, but promised myself not to...
3 1/2 dl fine speltflour
1 dl rough speltflour
2 teaspoons bakingsoda
1 fresh vanilla rod
4 teaspoons sugar
50 g. butter
1 1/4 dl buttermilk
Mix flour, baking soda, the vanilla and sugar. Crumble the butter into the flourmix and make it solid withe the milk.
Spread out the dough, about 3 cm. thick. Make little slices out from the dough with a glass.
Place the dough circles on a griddle and brush them with a little milk. Bake them 10-12 minuts at 220°, until the have a golden color.
P.s My mom ate the perfect one I was saving for my picture...