Could Have, Would Have, Should Have!
I just found out how much money I’ve spent over the last month ( but to be fair, I’ve been in Paris ). Ealier I was too afraid to go to the bank and check, but today I pulled myself together and went there. I was right in my fear, though! New shoes, new clothes, new bags and a trip to Paris does not go easy on the account. And christmas comming up does not make it any better! If I think my total spending from June to now, it makes me want to kill mysef! To think of the money that I could have saved fore when I move away from home... Well... Could have, Would have, Should have... It’s all to late now...
Too cheer up myself I toke the afternoon off and looked at my favorite websites (Some with vintage furniture, some new designs, some inspiration on new designs and article’s, others with funny little things)
Then I found these...
44$ a piece
I was thinking about 15-20 custum made ones... With texts/word like: Suit up!, Stars, Kiss me, Eat me!, Sugar, Love, You, London, Noël... ( I really need to learn how not to shop! )